Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Some tips to enhance your English mastery

By Azys Syaiful Anwar

      Today, English is the main need of people to communicate to the universe. It is also listed as the national graduation examination of high school students. Besides, English has many specific purpose, such as business, public communication, etc. The mastery of English becomes the main requirement in reaching our success.

    Since Indonesian do not speak as their first or second language, they may find many difficulties in understanding English. Government has set English to be taught from the elementary school to senior high school. This is one of efforts in improving English mastery of Indonesian.

    English, basically, has different structure and grammar with Bahasa, Indonesian Language. It has more complex structure and pronunciation. In English, people need to consider the time when they want to tell their own activities. They have to speak differently when they want to express the past, present or future activities.
In this blog post, I would like to give several suggestions to learn English well:

  1. Make a speaking club. This is very important to enhance your speaking ability. You can make a group of friend and start to practice your English constantly.
  2. Watch English Movie. You can learn from a movie while enjoying the story. You need to ignore the translated subtitle and listen to the conversations provide in the movies (or use English subtitle if you do not get the movie story).
  3. Write a lot. This is very effective ways of learning English (only in my opinion). You can learn the sentences structure, connective words, vocabulary and many more. Since you need many reference in writing, it is closely related with reading. Then, you'll get more knowledge while learning English.
  4. English Day. This will help you mastering English by practicing it to your surrounding. You can simply choose the best day of a week and make it as English speaking day. This will help you in mastering English as the communication purpose.

     I think that's all of my opinion about how to effective English learning. They are very simple and I hope it can help you, especially non-native speaker of English in mastering English. You can read more The Sun Shine articles if you like this one.


daros kuneng October 21, 2009 at 11:17 PM  


it's rite..

never give up..

salam kembara..

aviorclef October 23, 2009 at 5:11 PM  

Nice tips...
But, Actually you also have to insert the last tip, that is don't afraid to make mistake......
OK...oh yea, if you have a time, lets visite my blog

NURA October 25, 2009 at 12:23 PM  

salam friend
nice post.thank for tips.
I know to effective English and very simple,,coz read your blog.
I like this your article.

aryo halim October 26, 2009 at 8:29 AM  

yg paling kesal tuh orang bule di film bicaranya spt kumur2 mas! jadi tidak nangkap! makanya di pelajaran bahasa inggris ada season listening sebenarnya. Pokoknya bahasa inggris itu bahasa paling ngaco!

RAJA FRESH October 26, 2009 at 8:30 AM  

we must speak english a lot, i am still learning english

the sun shine October 26, 2009 at 7:51 PM  

@Aviorclef: thanks for the additional tips, that's are some grammar mistakes I've made during witting my blog that Ok?he3..I'm also English learner and try to write some opinions using this blog..thanks
@mas Aryo: iya kadang terdengar seperti itu, tapi solusinya ya kalo nyetel film ma dikasih subtitle bahasa Inggris

BizStrA October 26, 2009 at 10:33 PM  

Nice post! Agree with you.

Bizstra Resources October 31, 2009 at 9:42 AM  

We need friends and commitment to do that. Language is about culture. To familiarize with a culture, one has to practice it in his/her daily life, as a part of his/her routine. Then only by that, one can master a language.

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