MA sentence to disable the national test for students graduation (UN)
Mahkamah agung (MA), the highest supreme court of Indonesia, issued a shocking sentence which directly affected the education field. The sentence is related to the prohibition of the national test for students graduation (UN). This surprising decision demanded government not to run the national graduation test on 2010.
The MA's decision is based on citizen lawsuit which is submitted by some educational elements, such as students, teachers and some educational scholars. However, Education Department of Indonesia will think about submitting reconsideration (PK) to MA. This is to prevent the national graduation test becoming illegal in 2010.
National Education Ministry of Indonesia, Mohammad Nuh, will organize their troops to anticipate this problem. He said, as cited in Seputar Indonesia daily newspaper, “Kita akan koordinasikan dulu”. It means that government through education department will do some efforts to save the national graduation test.
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