Teach your kids to stay away from drugs
By Azys Syaiful Anwar
The parents' role isn't only to physically care to children but also to give their children proper education . Children basically can easily learn many new things they like. If they found something new in their society, they will have desire to follow the trends, for example: fashion, lifestyle, etc. How if children start to know drug? If they think it is interesting, then what can they do?
This question may answer our doubt of the existence of the big influence of drugs in the society that may bring our children to be trapped by drugs. All kind of drugs, such as marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, and heroin, are addictive substance that absolutely endanger our children healthiness.
I have some suggestion for parents in educating their kids to keep away from drug:
- Increase your communication with your children. Be the open-minded parents who are able to be children friend. However, parents need to give real constraint or rule related to some children activities, for example prohibit children to attend some program that unfamiliar with parents.
- Ask children to answer “no” if there is someone offering some suspicious food or drink without any further debate or talk.
- Children need some activities that make them busy, then they don't have enough time to think about drugs. Parents may involved children to the extracurricular program of the school, or any other programs, such as computer, sport, or music courses.
- Give the knowledge of the dangerous drug effects.
Since parents have the main responsibility of their children, they need to teach their children to stay away from drugs. They can lead their children to achieve a better future if they can successfully educate them. Therefore, parents need to work harder to prevent their children consuming drugs.
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salam friend
nice post
I know teach ,kids to stay away from drugs,,coz read your article,,
thank for information.
very informatif friend, but you know in indonesia some parent did't know how to teach their children to busy for work . keep posting friend n keep succes for u
Aku ga terlalu lancar berbahasa inggris sih.. Tp sedikit banyak aku tau maksudnya..
Kebetulan anakku cewe-cewe nih, mesti kudu ketat mengawasinya.. Apalagi jaman skrg banyak banget pengaruh negatif di pergaulan kaum muda. Bukan hanya drugs tp juga narkotica & semacamnya, juga sex bebas..
Semoga mereka dijauhkan dr semua pengaruh buruk tsb...
Bad influence from their friend is the most dangerous zone. So we must always know all of your child friends, and their activity.
browww mantabbbbbb infonya teruskan semangatmu,,
Very useful one :)
what ever can go wrong can go wrong..
yr child needs u..
Say No To Drugs
Sa Yes To Blog
Drugs and Children. The 2 things that should be keeps far away. Now, it depends on Parents...,I think Parents must give more space and time to their kids or children, so that they can Share each others. And the Parents should not over focus on businesses...Great Article Pal...
Visit Against thanks friend
nice article, stay away from drugs. |Mbah Gendeng|Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa|
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